to 2ub Labs Where
our mascot Fang keeps the gremlins at bay |
Radio Projects
Programming Projects Grid Square Calculator Web Form (Server Side Tcl) Grid Square Calculator (Tcl/Tk) Grid Square Calculator (Online Java Applet) muCalc Tcl Bearing and Distance Calculator (Tcl/Tk) Brusey20 Finite State Machine to VHDL Converter Embeddable interrupt driven Morse Code player Ring Tones made with RoverLog’s Keyer in Debug Mode CW Ring Tone
Generator - Stand-alone Windows program to make CW WAV files for
arbitrary messages. HINT: Use these WAV files as ring tones on your phone to
identify the caller by CW. |
Web Projects Identify Your
Geographical Location from Your IP Address
Educational Projects My Engineering Career Presentation
Art Projects
Other Miscellaneous Projects
© 2008-19 by Thomas C. Mayo