Programming at 2ub Labs |
Here is a Grid Square Calculator I wrote in Java.
Tcl/Tk (pronounced Tickle Tee Kay) is a scripting language that is portable to just about every kind of computer (except maybe the VIC-20). To use Tcl/Tk, you need to download the interpreter first. It is free and can be downloaded from http://tcl.activestate.com/. I have written and actively maintain a few programs in Tcl/Tk:
is a contest logging program for amateur
radio microwave contests.
My Digital Multi-Meter interface
program connects to the Tenma 72-7750 for local or remote data
logging. I intend on running this meter
over a radio link to monitor and log the temperature in my attic.
My Grid Square Calculator
My Bearing and Distance
Calculator calculates bearing and distance between you and another radio
TrialRpt is a program
I wrote to allow fitness instructors at a local health club to log their trial
appointments. It is very similar to RoverLog.
VHDL is a language used to design digital logic. I use it in my job quite a bit. Maybe it's the software designer in me screaming to get out. Here are a few good links:
International - dedicated to cooperatively and proactively promoting VHDL
as a standard worldwide language for the design and description of electronic
eda.org - The
Electronic Design Automation (EDA) and Electronic Computer-Aided Design (ECAD)
one-stop standards resource on the World Wide Web
The Hamburg
VHDL Archive - providing a collection of free, i.e. public-domain or
shareware, VHDL documentation, models, and tools
Free Model
Foundry - providing functional simulation models (with timing) of
off-the-shelf digital components in VHDL and Verilog
- a repository of open source, free IP synthesizable blocks and supplemental
prototype boards
- the DARPA Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors (RASSP)
My Master's Thesis, Converting State Diagrams into Synthesizable VHDL, involved writing a utility called brusey20 which is available for download.
PICA is an event-driven VHDL 1076 simulator.
It is text-based, and comes in source code form. It was written at the
I enjoy programming in the C and C++ Languages.
Here is a little C program I wrote to illustrate an “interrupt-driven” Morse Code sender.
Here is an Arduino version of the Morse Code sender.
Here is DJGPP, an excellent DOS port of the GNU C and C++ compiler. Remember to strip your executables after you compile to get a fair size comparison with other PC compilers. Also note that this is a 32-bit compiler.
I taught a C++ Class at Berkshire Community College this past Spring: C++ Programming - An Introduction
The zip file cppclass.zip
(28kB) contains all of the class material I generated for teaching a
five-week non-credit workshop on C++ at
The course builds on your knowledge of the "C" programming language. It provides a working knowledge of data abstraction and object-oriented programming in C++. Lectures, hands-on exercises and homework allow you to learn and practice planning, writing, and running original C++ programs on a personal computer. The course balances theory and practice. Required text: The C++ Programming Language, Bjarne Stroustrup, 2nd Edition, Addison- Wesley, 1991. ISBN 0-201-53992-6.
The class was originally scheduled to be six two-hour classes, but instead became three two hour and two three hour classes.
To get started, see 0415\0415.txt in the zip file.
Written by tmayo1 at rochester.rr.com